
Tips and Tricks

The Plastic Wrap Trick

1) Mix up your icing using your mixer.  Put into smaller bowls and tint each bowl the color that you would like.  

2. Pour it out onto your plastic wrap.

3) Roll up the plastic wrap and twist it. I usually hold both ends and spin it in the air.  Then I put a knot in one end of the plastic wrap. 

4.)Then pull the other end of the wrapped icing through the coupler and cut off that end.

5.) Adding a tip and screw on the coupler.

6.) Then fold the bag over and add a purple bag tie. (I fold it over to keep any icing from coming out of the bag).                                            

*This is a great way to save time on cleanup!  It usually takes me about 1/4 the time to clean up!  It seems confusing at first but once you do it a few time, it might even be easier then spooning it into the bags.

*This also keeps the icing from drying out.  Sometimes if I don't do this, the icing that gets close to the opening will get dry and crusty. 


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