
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Aquatic Life Quilt

This quilt started off as a "croc." Chris' three year old nephew, Jack, loves crocodiles and calls them "crocs." I was planning on making him a crocodile pillow for Christmas. As I was looking for crocodile images to use as my muse, I found a variety of "aquatic" life images that were too cute to pass up. I sketched the different animals out and the next thing I knew, I was mapping out an entire quilt. I selected the deep red and sage green to match his room and off I went. The animals are apliqued onto the white squares. I used a zig zag stitch on the sewing machine to trace around the shapes and to give them another dimension. The final product came out amazing and inspired me to create a quilt for his baby brother. On Christmas day when he opened the package, Jack jumped on the quilt and hugged it in his arms. He was so excited with the quilt which made all the work absolutely worth it!

One of the squares had a sea turtle on it.

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