
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Easter Cookies

 This year's Easter cookies almost didn't happen!  Because of all the snow here in CT, report cards were pushed back!  They were due the Wednesday before Easter so there was just a teeny-tiny bit of stress in my house!  Since many people started asking me if they could order cookies, I decided to work "double time" on report cards so that I could make some cookies as well!
 Here is my HUGE diningroom table filled with cookies!  Sorry the pictures are a little dark, it was late when I finished and I wasn't about to play with the settings on my camera!
 Carrot cookies for the Easter bunny!
 New this year: fluffy little chicks!
Easter Bunnies
This year I sold about 16 dozen.  I could have definitely sold a lot more if I had more time to make them!  Thank you to everyone who ordered or who bought some.  I am so happy to be part of your holiday celebrations this year!  Thank you to my repeat customers!

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